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This year’s summit in Rome failed to produce a concrete action plan to expedite the global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Here’s a breakdown of this weekend’s missed opportunities: No new shots… In other words, the G20 risks becoming a miniature United Nations (UN)-a venue for endless discussion rather than swift action. Instead it could become a forum to showcase initiatives agreed elsewhere-or worse, a venue for major countries to posture and poke around for political support. And amid deepening strategic competition between the United States and China, raising distrust and predisposing each side to maneuver for influence, the G20 risks losing its role as the driver for policy cooperation to address serious global problems. But with US President Joe Biden making an effort to rebuild alliances with fellow democracies, the G20 appears to have evolved into a G7+13-with a more common agenda among the leading Western countries vis-a-vis the rest of the group. The Group of Twenty (G20) nations came of age during the great financial crisis of 2008 to hash out major economic and financial regulatory policies among the world’s largest economies.

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